Appointments: St. Michael’s Hospital Staff Cardiologist
University of Toronto Clinician Scientist
1981 Bachelors of Science, First Class Honors (Chemistry and Microbiology): University of Manitoba
1990 Masters of Science (Cardiovascular Physiology): University of Manitoba
1991 PhD (Cardiovascular Physiology): University of Manitoba
1990-1993 Internal Medicine Training: McGill University
1995-1999 Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Department of Cell Biology: Erasmus University, Netherlands
1993-1995 Cardiology Training: McGill University
1995-1999 Interventional Training: University Hospital, Dijkzigt, Netherlands
Languages spoken: English, French, Ukranian and Dutch
Special Interests: Myocardial angiogenesis, prevention of restenosis, intracoronary stent design, clinical gene therapy.